Monday, June 15, 2009

12 Porn Sites

Today, I learned another hard lesson. Somewhere, in all of my attempts to work from home, my credit card was compromised. I woke up this morning to learn that I had been signed up for twelve different porn sites. I spent over an hour and a half on the phone getting my card blocked and canceled, and convincing 12 different companies that I didn't want to view porn, and that my five year old daughter didn't sign us up either. Hilarious. Their come-back was always the same. "You know it will be very hard for you to get an account with us in the future. " Like I have the inclination to view porn. There is enough of that on public television. Be careful where you go when looking for an Internet business.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Scams Again

This week I made over $200 selling items through free postings on Craigslist. The amazing thing is that even while selling on that wonderful and remarkable forum, the spammers got me. They like to reply to posts with offers to help. They ask if you are looking for a job. When you reply yes, that you are trying to make extra money, they send you to this link.

The four times this happened this week, I discovered that they don't respond to any further emails. The link advertises that Easy Google Profit. This company is not even affiliated with Google. It also offers free information at the cost of shipping.

What it tells you in the fine print is that it also includes a subscription to a service that will bill your card every month. You get surprised when all of a sudden your account is billed by a company that you have never heard of. You spend the next few weeks trying to get confirmation numbers so that you can cancel the charges coming from unheard of businesses.

I have learned that thus far, everyone has a bottom line. I haven't received an email that doesn't.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Even the Spammers somtimes get Spam

To make money on-line, you have to sometimes to email out the garbage that fills up the spam folders. If you reply to offers online that means more spam. Yesterday I had over 12,000 spam messages in my folder. Good Times!

Here is one that snuck through that I thought I would share.

Jobs: Is Working Online At Home The Next Gold Rush?

Let me know in a comment if you have tried this and it works for you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Watch out for pitfalls. When becoming brave enough to venture into the Internet as an industry versus a diversion there are lots of people that want to take advantage of you. They tell you only enough to gain their own profit margin.

I don't want to do that. I am a Christian and my first focus is to be true to God's word. I want to put what I am really going after. There is a danger to this business and it is hidden in the fine print. It is absolutely CRITICAL that you read the terms on every website that you go to. They all have a bottom line. Even visiting and reading a blog helps someone make money.

Yesterday I clicked on a link that offered to send me a book, and all I had to do was pay shipping and handling fees. Great deal, right? Wrong. They also wanted to use my credit card to sign me up for three different internet sites, that started with free trials but would eventually cost me $100 in monthly fees. The fine print also states that if you cancel the day after they bill you, they still get that first big chunk of change.

My word of advice for today is this... ALWAYS READ THE TERMS BEFORE YOU AGREE!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On-Line Businesses

Today I attempted to sign up for an on-line business. They had great promises that included financial freedom. When I thought about how much money I could make and the difference it would make for my family I was hooked.

I have a brother and a nephew that live in Australia. That kind of money makes the world a lot smaller. I also have a niece with special needs and insurance doesn't cover most of her appointments. There is so much good a person can do with that kind of money.

Unfortunately, it requires almost a $2000 investment. On top of it there is no guarantee that it would work. There was some fine print disclaimer at the bottom stating that there are customers that make no money.

It was a nice idea, but it sounded like a bunch of fluff when I got done reviewing it all.

The free stuff I get doesn't require a large financial investment. There is no fee to learn the tricks, and there are no catches. You don't give me any money at any point. I make money if you choose to participate in their offer.

Click the link (for free), and see the offer for yourself (for free). Once you have read their terms, you can decide for yourself if this is something you want to do.

I Get Stuff for Free

Recently, I started working on Internet Marketing. Turns out that there are people out there willing to pay you to visit their websites, and to try their products. I don't mean they pay you a couple of bucks, I mean that they will pay you a lot of money. Once you get your process in place, and you have put in the ground work, you can sit at home and just make money. I made $110 in one day. Want to know more?

Among the list of items I got for free are an Xbox 360 elite, a Nintendo Wii, an Apple IPod, and an Apple IPhone. If I can do it, then anyone can. The first step starts here. Click on one of my sites, and it will all start to fall into place.

It's not complicated...It's easy. You can do this. Give it a try. You won't get rich but you can make the extra money that you and your family need to feel safe in this time of economic stress.

Check back with my blog from time to time and I will share more of the tricks that I use to make money while spending time at home with my family.

Best of luck,